James Hillier

Today I experienced Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson's "RIVERBED" installation at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. It was equally impressive as it was somewhat ominous and disturbing. It’s hard to appreciate the scale of the installation from the image, but it was gigantic. Filled with a gradually inclining slope covered with smooth boulders and rocks. A river trickles through the middle of it. When looking at the flowing riverbed, it was easy to quickly feel you were in the wilderness. But gazing upwards, the clinical, crisp white walls and fluorescent light bulbs was an unsettling juxtaposition. I have no idea...
James Hillier

Video Drama Sydney
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make VIDEO DRAMA such an amazing experience. A stone’s throw from the original Video Drama store on Oxford St, it felt pretty special to host this collection of Muriel’s Wedding-inspired pieces so close to one of the film’s iconic sets...
James Hillier

Chip Off The Old Block
For as long as I can remember, my parents (Maurice and Julie) haven’t ever been long without a paint brush, a spirit level, a knitting needle, or a hammer in their hands. They’re the most resourceful, talented, and driven people I know, and it was immeasurably beneficial being raised in such a hive of creativity (“James, turn off the TV and go build a city out of Lego!!”). Yes, there were definitely times I totally begrudged not being able to indulge in an 8 hr-straight Nintendo Mario Kart binge, but I’m grateful to have had such amazing mentors, always encouraging...
James Hillier

Why Can’t I Be The One?
Growing up as a closeted queer kid, marriage wasn’t ever a foreseeable possibility for me. Spending years of my youth in a conservative Christian environment, my unchosen sexuality made me feel like a hell-bound moral failure, and utterly unworthy of love.
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